
Style of Learning

1. I am an excited and happy AVID student.
2. I do better working in groups than working by myself.
3. When I write the spelling words several times, I remember those words.
4. I express myself much better in writing than in oral presentations.

Short Term Goals

1. Study every night when I have a test coming up.
2. Finish 8th grade with A's and B's.
3. Improve my math grade in 8th grade.
4. Ask more questions when I don't understand.

Long Term Goals

1. Finish High School with good grades.
2. Apply to a 4 year university.
3. Get a dissent and a high paying position.
4. Buy a nice house in a great neighborhood.
Habit of Mind

"THINKING INTERDEPENDENTLY"- Being able to work in and learn from others in reciprocal situation.

I chose this habit of mind because I do work better with others and I do learn when I am in groups. In my science class, my teacher made us do a project on one of the periodic elements. I got Vanadium and so I had to research the element and I found some interesting things on the element and I thought it was so cool on what it does.
